Love's Clues
And 'poof,' they were gone.
Were they ever here? I seem to recall an invasion from tiny munchkins from the west, but I'm not sure. Was it a dream? Did grandkids really visit their MiMi and Grandcos or was it just an illusion? I have memories or are those memories faulty, a mind-trick played on grandparents by aching wishes? It seems to have been real but with each passing day I wonder.....
It had to be real. It just had to be. I learned too much for it to be an illusion. Dreams and visions do not teach with the accuracy and veracity of grandkids. I learned greatly. I learned: is possible to get a mild concussion from a pillow fight with a 4-year old.
... the word is pronounced "pil- low" not "piller." (durn New Mexicans)
... the length of time a 15-month old needs to reach the street from your garage is and will always be exactly twice as short as you calculate.
...15 month-olds love the strategically placed salad bars scattered around the house, formally known as ivy plants.
... 4 year-olds don't need 5 star meals at 4 diamond restaurants. "Macamoni and cheeze" with some angel food cake are enjoyed with more laughter and enthusiasm and provide 10 hours of energy.
... 15 month olds forgive and move on better than most Christians, even if you scare the juice out of them by turning on a dust buster too close to their feet.
...when 4 year olds help MiMi make macamoni and cheeze by pouring in the ingredients and stirring the pot, it will be the "bestest, greatest", macamoni he ever tasted.
...Grandcos' stink at transforming Transformers.
....4 year olds can be both exasperated and understanding at Grandcos' lack of transforming skills.
...15 month olds can't say much but can learn a few sign language signs like for "more" or "done." My 15 month old was constantly giving me the sign for "more." Grandcos never knew if she meant more food or more hair.
....4 year olds will love you even if you can't get passed level 1 of the Amazing Spider Man video game.
... a 15 month old can remind you of the sheer wonder of a leaf; the warming hug of a sunbeam on the porch; the beauty of the texture of grass; and a thousand other joys even in tiny things, maybe especially in tiny things.
... small ones can see things otherwise missed because they don't mind getting down and low. (we might remember that next time we pray).
...15 month olds are very honest. If it tastes bad they spit it out and give the sign for "more" meaning more of something else.
.... 4 year olds and 15 month olds celebrate the ordinary and the promise of today. They haven't accumulated enough "yesterdays" to weigh their "today" down yet. Reminds me I probably shouldn't try to carry all mine either. Little ones haven't learned to fret too much over tomorrow either, there is too much of today to fill. They instinctively know that their father will take care of tomorrow. So should we all....
Yeah, they surely were here. I learned too much for it to have been otherwise. But the memory is fading fast. Will they come back? Any hope of a return for new lessons and adventures? I don't need empirical proof, just indications, just some clues offering hope. I learned one other thing: Love always leaves a clue, a reminder, a hope...

"Yes, I Am coming soon." Rev. 22:20
Love always leaves hope. Happy Thanksgiving.........s
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