Monday, October 10, 2011

Ironman Is Missing

He flew in from New Mexico with sister, mom and dad safely in tow. Dressed in maroon and gold, complete with mask, he soared around the living room, dining room, kitchen and halls. Our hearts soared with him. He was busy saving the world. But he was never too busy to stop, remove his mask, remind us of who he really was, just in case we forgot. He'd kiss his sister and fly off again in real adventures while the rest of us in the world toiled in its imaginary exsistence of imaginary importance.

When Ironman wasn't in suit and flying high, a little ironman went with him in his pocket. He went to the store, he went to play golf, he went to the zoo, he shot little darts at bad guys. When Ironman went to sleep, little ironman kept watch over the family while perched on the table, the counter, or the dresser or wherever he was left.

In the light speed at which such times move, Ironman went missing. Held prisoner by some evil power in some nook, cranny, or crease that no amount of searching could discover, he was left. Invisible for days because of the dark powers that held under the couch, he overcame the evil and appeared again to searching eyes and grasping hands.

But Ironman is missing.

He flew back to New Mexico with sister, mom and dad, and our hearts in tow. So little Ironman sits on the counter-- a pitiful sight-- awaiting reconciliation. Our hearts sit with him awaiting reunion. Our wait is lonely because

Ironman is Missing......................


1 comment:

  1. I thought I just commented but I will do it again.

    I love this one -- our Ironman flew home to Los Angeles, taking his new and some of the old, Justice League members with him. He was Batman for Halloween -- (his dad was Spiderman for Halloween when he was his age -- I love that some things don't change)
    He, too, flies all around, making our lives happier. Thanksgiving and Christmas will be not-soon-enough reunions -- I wish our Ironman lived closer, because he's growing so fast and is so filled with GOODNESS

    Thank you,
    Mary Helen
