Wednesday, June 1, 2016

The Questions Not Being Asked

From former church members to current ones; from the Panhandle of Texas, from south, west, and east Texas, from men's Bible study attendees and even from the ladies Bible study, folks have been asking me at least a few dozen times: "Who should I vote for in the presidential race?" "How can I vote for either candidate?" "Which is the lesser of two evils?''

This little essay will try to answer those questions for you.

Why are these questions important? Questions about who to vote for are obviously important as the winner of the election will lead our nation and arguably become the most powerful person on the planet (I personally would argue against that but that's another story).  Americans have for some time now voted by their pocketbooks and their general sense of well-being. The Christian recognizes a higher calling in the power of politics and elections as the opportunity to execute justice. I would hope that the Christian voter would bring this sense of seeking justice for all to the voting booth. I seem to recall a line in the Pledge of Allegiance to that effect.  There are hurting, oppressed, poor, marginalized, disenfranchised, forgotten, and neglected Americans. There is much waste in our governmental spending. Although many find themselves in their precarious positions by poor choices and judgments, justice seeks help for those truly in need and would even seek to help the foolish make better decisions. The new president should seek to establish justice and also call for proper stewardship of the resources available to insure domestic tranquility, promote the general welfare and provide for the common defense thus securing the blessing of liberty for ourselves and our posterity.

A president who lacks moral character, (as I believe is demonstrated by the Bible's truth) and thus will also be lacking the sense of justice, fairness, firmness, discipline, stewardship and compassion those virtues employ, will not bring justice to our land. The candidate who is guided by a passion only  to win the election, and the next, to control, to rule, to impose, to scapegoat (by the way Christians, you will be the scapegoat for the coming days just as in the days of Nero), to intimidate, and govern not by moral truth and justice will be a disaster for our nation.

So who should you vote for? For whom will I vote? Let me share this recently oft shared quote from Charles Spurgeon, London pastor from the mid to late 1800's during troubling political times in England.
        Of two evils, choose neither. Christians must turn from the endless cycle of voting for the lesser of two evils and expecting an unrighteous act to produce a righteous act. From a communist to a cultist, choosing the lesser of evils is still evil, and never should we do evil, that good may come.

 I will exercise my constitutional rights and privileges to vote for the candidate of my choosing and write in Jim Griffin or Walter Bradley or Daymon White or Rick Davis. They will lose but my conscience will be clear before God if not before the chairman of the Democratic or Republican party. I will also do a little more homework on the candidates on down the ballot to try and discover wisdom, altruism, and a passion for justice and humanity.

Now let me ask you a question. Why are you asking me, a pastor, who to vote for, rather than asking me how we can better spread the gospel of salvation through Jesus, send more missionaries, feed more hungry, clothe more poor, house more homeless, and encourage more hurting, lonely, depressed people? Here is my curmudeony, cold, cynical answer: You actually believe that the president has more power than Jesus. You actually think that the the Republic of the United States of America holds more answers for living a good life than the Kingdom of God. You believe that the gospel of politics has the power to change lives more than the power of the gospel. If that is not true then why am I not being bombarded by Christians wanting to give time, money, and passion to spreading the gospel but instead I'm being asked who to vote for?

Look folks, I have mentioned in a sermon or two and as the poor men who are a part of my morning Bible study have endured several times, I believe our nation is under the judgement of God. In Romans 1:24-32 you see God's judgement given as He gives folks over to their own desires. You want God out of your lives, your bedrooms, your boardrooms, your choices and decisions? So it shall be, He says. So in this election you have choices between the party whose nominee reeks of materialism, anger and greed opposing the party promoting sexual freedom without moral consequences which have led to millions and millions of abortions and welfare without responsibility. We are a nation confused about the difference between license and Liberty and that freedom carries moral responsibility. Whichever way you vote, America loses.

You're probably either mad or scared by now, or at least you should be. But here's a little Biblical perspective, read Daniel 2:20-22; Isaiah 46:5-12; II Timothy 3:1-5; II Peter 3:11-13; Revelation 21. I'm not going to type it out. You read it!(moral responsibility) But I will say this, hard times are coming but God is still the Lord of the universe and He will be with and guide His people. There are 365 "fear not'' scriptures, one for everyday or 365 everyday if you want to read a lot. But these scriptures I will type out for you:
   But I trust in You  Lord, I say, You are my God. My times are in your hands, deliver me from the hands of my enemies, from those who pursue me.   Psalm 31:14-15.  
    Fear not, for I am with you; be not dismayed, for I  Am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with the right hand of righteousness.  Is. 41:10

Yes, in my opinion, whichever way you vote in November, America loses. But whenever you follow Jesus everyone wins. Pray for America. Pray for your next president. Pray the life changing gospel will sweep across our land, especially our leader's hearts. Trust the Lord.

Some trust in republicans, some trust in democrats, but we will trust in the name of the Lord our God.  Psalm 20:7 (CSV)*


*Cos Standard Version

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